Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart doorbell.

A (very) smart doorbell (vector image here).



If you have made it to this page, you probably already know that my PhD was about home automation. Several years later, a lot of my work discussed in my PhD thesis is becoming very relevant again, and I am giving now IoT workshops in industry and also teaching home and building automation to graduate students (see also my pages on services and expertise and teaching).

You might ask, what is actually IoT?

First it is an abbreviation for the Internet of Things and is addressing a way to make a lot of devices smart and connected. We just see a similar development for mobile and ubiquitous computing, actor sensor networks, machine to machine communication, and home automation like the one we just witnessed for distributed and grid computing and client server architectures.

The former was rebranded to "Cloud Computing" and did become extremely popular (and even now is considered as one of the bases for the Internet of Things). Something similar is now happening with "Internet of Things" and "Industry 4.0". We see an industrial relevant merge of several existing technologies, fields, and ideas into something new, which will have a significant impact on our environment.

If this piqued your interest and you want learn more, check out my classes and workshops. In these classes and workshops, I use my own development kit based on shields for the ESP8266-based developer board Wemos D1 mini.

Check out the corresponding github project at

If this area and development interests you, also take a look at my involvements in the Universal Web of Things (UniWoT).